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Eatin' and Sleepin' at events

At our events we go prepared for a feast. There is usually a breakfast (about 11am when done) then dinner about 6. Our menu varies upon the event and the weather. Breakfast is sometimes eggs, bacon, potatoes, bread or pancakes & maple syrup and top it off with a big cup of Cornelius’s coffee. Cornelius has developed a way of making coffee with "Farquhar coffee balls". I do have to say it sure is good stuff. At most times it will rain, yes I said rain, at the most inconvenient of inconvenience. Cornelius or Rufus usually brings the food and are helped by Pappy & Eb. Ebenezer has got down to an art the cleaning up of dishes. Our camp usually consists of three wall tents with a fly situated in between all.

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The puttin' up & taken down of tents.

The putting up and taking down of the saloon is the most difficult of tasks but the reward is in the act. We have two to three ways we can set up the saloon depending on the number of our members that can make it out to an event. We are excited this year because we have made a purchase of a new tent (at least new to us) that is better suited to our venue. We acquired it from our friends at the Sew-n-Sew Sutlery. I wanted to mention that Mike & wife will be sorely missed at events because they retired from sutlering at events and will be working at home online only.

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